ISSA Certified Elite Trainer

About Us

Hola Coach T here! I developed the vision for CT.Athletics when I realized how hard it was for former athletes to stay in shape when their specific sports stop calling their name. I want to give power to individuals who need that calling again just in a different way. We want to train athletes who didn't make a team, people who just need a kick start, and people who just want to lose that quarantine 15! I have trained with, been instructed by, and coached some great coaches and players. I became a personal trainer because I believe health is wealth but also because my health is important but being able to transform others lives and confidence gave me a bigger gift of satisfaction. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by I hope to learn a little more about you as we begin your journey! 

"Lay a brick everyday and soon you'll look up and you'll have a brick wall"